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New site almost ready

Published: October 18, 2023

Spacerock.com Reloaded is almost ready to go!  I've been working on it early mornings, weekends and evenings, and am just at the very last feature - wrapping it up to go live.  The goal was to get the major pages done, then add some bells and whistles afterwards.

I revamped my CMS a bit, incorporating lots more interactivity and wishing the one we used at work did what mine does.  Seriously!  Coming up will be some more features like dressing up the site for holidays and some more interactivity with the recipes and that, and whatever else comes into my mind.  I'm off to do my last page that needs to go up, then get it ready.  I'm thinking about a November 1 launch - or sooner.  Could be the by the 22nd of October.  We shall see!